Town Hall/Office

The Town of Pittsfield is a triangular shaped community situated in the northeastern corner of Rutland County, comprising an area of 13, 296 acres or 20.77 square miles. It is bounded by four towns; Stockbridge to the east, Chittenden to the west, Rochester to the north and Killington to the south.

The physical setting of the Town consists of rather steep mountains rising to an elevation in excess of 3200’ in the west to more gradual but rugged mountains in the east, interspersed with valleys and streams in the lower elevations. Here in the valleys, the terrain is relatively level as compared to the rest of the town.

Municipal Buildings
The Municipal Building is located in Pittsfield Village in the former town school house. The Roger Clark Memorial Library is located on the first floor and was dedicated in September, 1973. Operated under the direction of a Board of Trustees, the facility offers a fine collection of books and the other necessary library facilities, including a refurbished reading room. Responses to the library have been very favorable.

The Town Clerk’s Office is located in the basement floor of the Municipal Building, providing an area for a modern system of public record keeping and research. Presently, the Office is open on a part-time basis. Plans are currently under way to renovate the municipal building and provide handicapped accessibility.

Other municipally owned buildings are the fire station, the town garage, and the Town Hall, which is the traditional place for all community activities. The Town Hall has a lift that reaches all floors for handicapped accessibility.