- Amee Farm
- Bloom for Life (Trish the florist)
- CV oil
- Gramps Shuttle
- Historic Society
- Kayak King
- Mad Motion
- Picarellos
- Pittsfield Auto Repair
- Pittsfield Library
- RC Williams Architects
- Riverside Farm
- Rock Shop
- Stone Revival
- The Casa Bella Inn
- The Clear River Inn
- The Clear River Tavern
- The Original General Store
- The Pittstop
- The Swiss farm Inn
- Tubing
- Tweed River Farm
- Tweed River Video
- Tweed Valley Video

Pittsfield Federated Church
The Pittsfield Federated Church is a community church that is dedicated and committed to sharing Christ’s love and His message of salvation with everyone.
The Pittsfield Methodist Church was established in 1802 and the Pittsfield Congregational Church was established in 1803.
The two churches united in 1925 with a common goal and purpose, thereby establishing the Pittsfield Federated Church.
The church community welcomes and encourages you to join in and attend worship services and social times. Welcome!
Transitional Pastor: Beverly Anderson
Worship Service Sundays 6:00 pm
Ginger Bread Houses - Dec 17, 2008
Thanks everyone for a great season of after school programs. We had 20 to 25 kids at most of our programs, and we couldn't have done it without our volunteers. In fact we are nothing without our volunteers. Literally. We are a 100% volunteer run library. If you would like to see more programs like this in the spring, drop us a line at pittsfieldvtlibrary@gmail.com and let us know how you can help. Can you show up to unlock the door every week? Do you have a project or interest to share one week? Are you good at organizing? Join the competition for the 2009 Susie Martin Award. readmore