- Amee Farm
- Bloom for Life (Trish the florist)
- CV oil
- Gramps Shuttle
- Historic Society
- Kayak King
- Mad Motion
- Picarellos
- Pittsfield Auto Repair
- Pittsfield Library
- RC Williams Architects
- Riverside Farm
- Rock Shop
- Stone Revival
- The Casa Bella Inn
- The Clear River Inn
- The Clear River Tavern
- The Original General Store
- The Pittstop
- The Swiss farm Inn
- Tubing
- Tweed River Farm
- Tweed River Video
- Tweed Valley Video

Snow Sports

Pittsfield Peaks Snowshoe Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10K
By Sara Montgomery
The Pittsfield Peaks Snowshoe Marathon is held each March in Pittsfield, VT.
The event includes three races: a 26.2-mile marathon (four loops); a 13.1-mile half-marathon (two loops);
and a six-mile “fun run” (one loop). The six-mile option allows novices to participate, which is important to race director Andy Weinberg.
“We have plenty of people that come out and hike one loop without running one step. If you can hike, then you can snowshoe.”
But that is not to say the races aren’t also competitive. Along with beginners who opt to hike, Weinberg says,
“We also have some of the best snowshoe racers in the nation show up.” Read More

Snowmobiling in Vermont
Vermont Snowmobile Rules Trail Passes Lodging Safety Info
The winter brings a unique opportunity to view some of nature's awesome beauty.
The snowmobiling enthusiast will love Vermont, for here the snowmobiler can enjoy breath-taking vistas,
clean country air, superb accommodations, groomed snowmobile trails, and outstanding dining.
Vermont has more than 4,700 miles of groomed snowmobile trails, a remarkable trail system that is one of the best in the world.
The snowmobile trails are groomed by local snowmobile clubs, members of the Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST). VAST is the non-profit association that maintains Vermont's trail network with more than 112 groomers working statewide. Read More
Pittsfield Snow Ultra
Friday, March 6, 2009 Pittsfield, VT - 10pm 52.4 Miles.... in the Snow.
Eight of us stood huddled around each others cars on an unseasonably warm night in Central Vermont.
At 10 pm the temperature still hovers near 50 and warm winds are howling through the valley town known as Pittsfield, VT.
Six of us have plans to try and travel 52.4 miles on snow, what we were unsure of was how the conditions would play out.
Two of us were only there to enjoy the night with us and we welcomed their company.
As the clock passed 10, it was time to roll and we all started out walking down the snowmobile trail with our snowshoes in our hand.
As we reached the first hill (one of many), it was apparent to us that snowshoes might not entirely be needed tonight.
The warmer temps have melted the snow just enough to keep it sticky for us, though no less different than running through sand.
The snowmobile trails here in town have been groomed all winter long and packed down by thousands of snowmobilers.
It made for an immaculate surface. Read More
Snow Sledding... Its not just for kids anymore
Snow sledding has been a favorite winter activity of Vermonters and visitors for generations.
Two Vermont companies, Mad River Rocket Company, est. 1984, and Hammerhead Sleds, est. 2002,
are making sleds that will appeal to grown-ups as well as kids. Sledding is a winter activity that everyone can participate in –
from the baby enjoying their first time playing in snow, to the thrill-seeking teenager, to the grandparents who’ve never quit,
sledding is fun for all.
Sleds were originally invented as a tool to help move heavy things (such as cannons) across frozen or snowy surfaces,
but it did not take long for someone to discover that they could be used for recreation and good, plain fun as well.
And it’s a good thing because young kids and grown-ups alike have been spending their winters zipping down Vermont’s hills for the sheer fun of it ever since. Read More