- Amee Farm
- Bloom for Life (Trish the florist)
- CV oil
- Gramps Shuttle
- Historic Society
- Kayak King
- Mad Motion
- Picarellos
- Pittsfield Auto Repair
- Pittsfield Library
- RC Williams Architects
- Riverside Farm
- Rock Shop
- Stone Revival
- The Casa Bella Inn
- The Clear River Inn
- The Clear River Tavern
- The Original General Store
- The Pittstop
- The Swiss farm Inn
- Tubing
- Tweed River Farm
- Tweed River Video
- Tweed Valley Video

Historic Society
Pittsfield Historical SocietyTown Hall, On the Green, Pittsfield, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 574, Pittsfield, VT 05762
Email: lfifield@netscape.com
Phone: 802-746-8147
Contact: Lettie Fifield, secretary/treasurer
Hours and Admission: April - November: first and third Tuesday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, or by appointment.